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Devlog #14: Hypercasual Games, #FeedbackFriday

Alright! We're back with another status update on our two hypercasual games and a shoutout to some games we played for #FeedbackFriday.


Bouncy RocketZ Official Release

Our first hypercasual game - Bouncy RocketZ - is officially released on the iOS App Store! Android coming up!

Go, go, Mr. Chubbs, go, go!


Hypercasual #2

The artwork for our second hypercasual game is done. We're still tweaking the game, but we can almost smell the release date! ;-)

Say hi to Squarrel, the square squirrel!


#FeedbackFriday - Alien Scumbags

This weekend, we had the chance to play two games for #FeedbackFriday. The first game is Alien Scumbags by @KKindiegame.

This game is hella fun. Lots of puns, lots of cussing, lots of reasons you probably wouldn't let your kids play. (But those same reasons are why you would play when the kids aren't around. And let's be real, you know the kids somehow manage to play - you just couldn't catch them.)

Anyway, Alien Scumbags is a 2D game where you go around shooting aliens and have fun doing so. There is a storyline, and the dialogue is hilarious. If you want to experience lighthearted horror, this is definitely the game for you. Also if you want to nurse your nostalgia for Doom - I've never personally played Doom, but Billy was raving about how Alien Scumbags bring back all the memories. Check out the demo and the developer below!

Developer's Twitter:

Humans have simple wants sometimes. Like sometimes, we just want to shoot aliens.


#FeedbackFriday - Sly Fisher

The second game we played was Sly Fisher by @MinuteSock.

In Sly Fisher, your goal is to fish for things to pad your pirate purse. You might find a couch or a boot. That's ok - plenty of pirates into home decorating and fashion. Or you might find a legendary octopus that will make you lots of money...

Sly Fisher is an idle collecting game. So this is a game you'd play if you don't want to be putting in much energy, but you still want a dopamine rush from finding something cool or completing a collection. Highly recommend having the sound on while playing :-) Check out the developer and game below:

Developer's Twitter:

The graphics is definitely giving off Stardew Valley vibes.


And that's all, folks! Follow @AngryGoatGames on Twitter for more updates on our upcoming games!

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